Great book for your mindset

Post Date: June 3rd, 2010

I've been listening to a great audio book this past week by the Heath brothers called 'Switch' that illustrates nicely keeping your mind solution-oriented. 

Do you work in a high-tech company and sometimes feel that it's hard to connect with one of your colleagues?  One of the ideas in the book is to look for what's working, or as they call it 'the bright spots'.  Are there other people in your company who seem to get along well with this colleague? 

If so, observe how they engage with one another.  What is the focus of their conversations?  Strategic thinking?  Tactics of next steps to move forward?  What is their body language?  What specific words do they both use?  What is the tone, pitch, pace, level of enthusiasm? 

Once you've identified some specific behaviors, determine which ones you might naturally incorporate into your method engaging next time you have a reason to connect. 

Or are you struggling with a project, and know of someone else who seems to breeze through similar work?  See you can observe their approach and figure out what the 'bright spots' are that they are using, that you can similarly implement.

Looking forward to hearing about your success!

Gwyneth Anne Freedman, PCC


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