Definition of Sales, and leadership?

Post Date: July 9th, 2012

Great definition of sales by Dan Sullivan (and perhaps leadership if it pertains also to the organization): “Selling is getting someone intellectually engaged in a future result that is good for them, and getting them to emotionally commit to take action to achieve that result.”

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Midpoint Check-in

Post Date: July 3rd, 2012

Here we are now just past the half way mark of 2012 – where did the time go?!
Now is a great time for a mid-year check-in.
Are you on track with your 2012 goals? New Year’s resolutions?

If so, congratulations and keep the momentum going!
If not, what skills will help you ramp up your job performance?

What two or three new habits would create a significant difference in your personal and professional results?

For example, clients often find the habit taking a few minutes first thing in the morning to identify the top 2-3 goals that would have the greatest ROI is time well invested. This habit creates focus and leads to a higher probability that you will achieve those goals.

Take a moment and review your goals: career, health, personal development, relationship, etc. What one action can make a nice shift during the second half of the year?

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Get re-acquainted with your library

Post Date: June 17th, 2011

Have you been to the library in recent years? If not, you may be pleasantly surprised. Let me share a few of the benefits. 

A great selection of ebooks, audio downloads, & DVDs, besides books and audio books of course. (I often get business books.) Libraries are often connected so you can request books from other locations, and they'll have it delivered to your library branch – at not extra charge! 

Usually you can have a book out for 3 weeks, and if nobody else has requested it, you can go online and extend the time you have it checked out. 

DVDs usually have a 1 week limit.

When I find out about a good book, I 'save' it in my online library account.  Then when trying to figure out what to read, I can just 'request' the book (again online) and pick it up shortly thereafter. 

Then when the they come in or are due back, the library even emails a reminder. Plus no more stacks of books collecting all around the house!  It's great for turning the car into a 'classroom' by listening to business audiobooks on the way to work, which can also help to distract from the frustrations of sitting in traffic.

Libraries aren't just for kids – pick up a few for yourself, too!

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Cool video on motivation – fun to watch!

Post Date: September 28th, 2010

Have you ever wonder what really motivates you/us? 

Daniel Pink, author of the book Drive shares that there are three factors.  He has an amazing video about 11 minutes long on YouTube ( ) that is really fun to watch. 

His insights could be powerful to keep in mind as part of your leadership and management style.  Also if you're feeling less than satisfied at work, how might you focus more on mastery and contribution both inside and outside the work place? 

While so many things can feel outside of our control, we always have the ability to choose our attitude and where we want to focus our intention while doing required tasks.  Likewise we have many options for contributing and mastering additional skills outside of work.  A hobby of studying French would help you master the language.  Volunteering with Habitat For Humanity would help you contribute to your community and those less fortunate, as well as develop carpentry skills that might be useful for fixing your own home.  And making connections with likeminded people could foster new friends. 

Do share your thoughts of the video!

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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Great book by Marshall Goldsmith: Mojo

Post Date: September 9th, 2010

Here we are in the ‘Back to School’ season with kids returning to their studies, and reorganizing our calendars and schedules.  It is often also a time for us to look forward and identify what we want to achieve this academic year now that the summer vacations are behind us.

So what are your goals?  Are you on track with what you had on your list January 1st?  Is it time to ramp things up?  Get additional support?  Or perhaps even take our goals up a notch?  If you’re not feeling inspired, perhaps your goals are too small.  What is the bigger impact you want to make?  What would have you feel completely inspired, energized and in fact so excited that you stop reading this email because you’re going to start taking action right now?

I just finished reading Marshall Goldsmith’s book “Mojo” and he talks about rating our activities based on different components as a way of revealing in a metric fashion if we’re full leveraging out time and energy.  You can get a sneak peak at ‘’. 

In the book he also talks about the power of having an accountability partner.  If you have someone to whom you have to ‘fess up to’ or ‘celebrate with’, that alone will significantly increase your probability of taking the actions that you really want to take, rather than letting the inertia of the current status quo keep its grip. 

What are the components of your work and personal life that give you both short term happiness and long term satisfaction?  How can you increase the portion of your day doing these activities?

What elements don’t give you either?  How can you reduce the time you spend here?

If you are interested in joining an ‘accountability group’, please email me with ‘accountability group’ in the subject line.  If you prefer personalized one-on-one support, please put ‘complementary consultation’ in the subject line. My email is



To your success,
Gwyneth Anne
Gwyneth Anne Freedman, PCC
Certified Career and Life Coach

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Submitted a resume? It’s time to follow up!

Post Date: August 30th, 2010

I just had someone ask me about how to effectively follow up after having submitted a resume, and thought  you might also like to see my reply.  So here you are:

It seems that everyone has an opinion on the follow up approach, so I'll share mine.


If you have an inside contact, that's best, then perhaps this employee can do the initial follow up, which would remind  Human Resources/recruiter/hiring manager that  you've been 'internally referred' which makes you a 'safer' candidate. What I mean by safer is that people usually refer people similar to themselves.  So if the employee fits in, is well skilled, etc., the probability is that you will be as well.  In other words it’s safer to bet on you than an unknown candidate.


What to cover in the initial follow up call with the hiring manager?  Confirm that a) they have received your resume, b) express your continued interest (adding some specificity here is always good – to show that it's the specific company and position you're interested, not just because it's a job), and c) learn what their timeframe is for filling the position, perhaps ask next steps and their timing for filling the position.  If you befriend the receptionist/recruiter/gatekeeper, you may be able to get the hiring manager's name and perhaps even direct phone number.  Yes, following up via the phone is much better than via email as they can get a better feel for who you are and you can better read their level of interest from their tone of voice.


Ask permission to touch base with them every week or two to check in, and assure them that it will just be a quick call, as everyone is busy.  Then when you call, they will know that they gave you permission to do so.  Of course be sure to do so (give the quick call – being upbeat, enthusiastic, succinct and professional). 


I'd suggest too, that you don't leave a message, but call until you reach them 'live'.  It may be easiest to reach them directly by calling either before or after normal business hours when they are less likely to be in meetings (such as 5:45 or 6pm or 7:45 or 8am). 


After your quick calls, send them a 'thank you note' expressing appreciation for their time and update.  Again, be specific.  Expressing something new about the position and/or company that interests you, will set you a part and continue to 'sell' you to them.


Another 'opener' for the initial or second follow up call would be to ask *what* questions they have regarding your resume (not 'if' as they can just say no – if it's open ended, they'll be more likely to dig out your resume to see – which then puts it at the top of the pile). 


Using  ‘keywords’ in all communication with the hiring company can subliminally communicate that you already fit their culture, and a ‘safer bet’, increasing the odd of you getting a call.


To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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Power of connection

Post Date: July 27th, 2010

This week I'm going to share something a bit more personal.  I've recently lost a classmate I had known for many years, and it has me thinking about the power of connection and friends. I had know this individual since grammar school and was shocked and saddened to learn he was no longer with us.  Two of the things I really appreciated about him was how he didn't seem to let anything bother him (even when we were teenagers – pretty unusual!) and how I often heard him offer to lend a helping hand.  He was quite handy with building and fixing things, and did this as a career.  He would offer to make a long drive and help friends on the weekends when he must have been tired, and perhaps would have preferred to stay home.  Actualy though, I believe he really would have preferred to be with and help his friends. 

You've probably found that one of the most powerful influencers of how much you enjoy work is how much you enjoy your colleagues and the boss for whom you work.  What is it about them that you really enjoy?  Their sense of humor?  How they add fun?  Don't let you take yourself too seriously when you get stressed out?  Or perhaps how they stretch your thinking?

I'd like to encourage you to take a moment to reflect on what the people in your life mean to you.  It's easy to take that for granted.  To enrich your relationships, share with that person one (or more!) of their attributes you really value and why. 

Of course sharing in the same way with friends can deepen those relationships too.

Enjoy the connection.


Gwyneth Anne

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maximize your weekend

Post Date: July 17th, 2010

Here we are on Friday evening, and have you ever returned to work Monday morning, not feeling quite as rejuvenated as you thought you would?

What activities help you to decompresss after a long week? 

What adds meaning and fulfillment?

What are the two things, that if you were to include them in your weekend routine would greatly add to your quality of life and sense of well being? 

Some possibilities may include:  getting out in nature – perhaps going to the beach or a lake; spending time with friends sharing deeply what's going on in your life; exercise – with the Tour de France as an inspiration, perhaps setting a triathalon goal. 

Personally I find that when I include variety and meaningful connections during the weekend, I can start the new week refreshed and energized.

Would love to hear the tips and tricks that work for you.

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Great book for your mindset

Post Date: June 3rd, 2010

I've been listening to a great audio book this past week by the Heath brothers called 'Switch' that illustrates nicely keeping your mind solution-oriented. 

Do you work in a high-tech company and sometimes feel that it's hard to connect with one of your colleagues?  One of the ideas in the book is to look for what's working, or as they call it 'the bright spots'.  Are there other people in your company who seem to get along well with this colleague? 

If so, observe how they engage with one another.  What is the focus of their conversations?  Strategic thinking?  Tactics of next steps to move forward?  What is their body language?  What specific words do they both use?  What is the tone, pitch, pace, level of enthusiasm? 

Once you've identified some specific behaviors, determine which ones you might naturally incorporate into your method engaging next time you have a reason to connect. 

Or are you struggling with a project, and know of someone else who seems to breeze through similar work?  See you can observe their approach and figure out what the 'bright spots' are that they are using, that you can similarly implement.

Looking forward to hearing about your success!

Gwyneth Anne Freedman, PCC


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Communication – body language

Post Date: May 1st, 2010

I'm sure you've heard that when you communicate, your body language communicates more than your words.  If something is incongruent, people will believe what your body is saying over the words you speak.

Now that we have that awareness, what are you communicating?  Take a snapshot of yourself or look in the mirror.  What do you see?

Do you have open, friendly body language – relaxed, hands to side or arms crossed in front of you?

What expression are you making?  A friendly smile?  An annoyed frown? 

How is your posture?  Tall and confident or hunched over and small – as though you are trying to hide?

Small changes can make a huge difference in how you are perceived.  If you think there could be improvement in how you project yourself, trying practicing in front of the mirror and then into the real world.  Observe how people respond differently. 

Isn't the power of awareness empowering?!

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