Career and Intentions – Are You On Track?

Post Date: March 20th, 2013

Are you on track?

Here we are already mid-way through March and at the beginning of a new season.

What a great time to step back and have another look at our New Year’s intentions.  Are you on track with the career goals you set for yourself?  What might you tweak to create a system or structure to help achieve your next milestone?

I must confess, one of my personal goals that has not yet become a habit is yoga.  I had the intention at the beginning of the year to add at least one full session of yoga a week to round out my exercise regime.  While I do spend some time stretching every day, I still want to add yoga to build a stronger physical foundation with deeper stretching, strengthening and increasing balance.

So what to do?  There’s the saying ‘what isn’t on the calendar doesn’t get done’.  So here’s my plan: put yoga on my calendar.  Also, to put it on the calendar earlier in the week, so if an unavoidable conflict comes up, I still have time in the week to ensure I instill the habit.  (In fact, I just put it as a “recurring appointment” on my calendar at two different times during the week.)

Are you on track with your career and personal goals?

Where are you on trackspring flowers?  (Congratulations!)

What small shift can you make to get back on track with those which have slid under the radar?

Please post what shifts you will make, as they can give ideas and inspire others!  Thank you!

As always feel free to reach out if you’re feeling stuck.

Happy spring!

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