Information Interviewing – What Do You Want To Know? (Part 2/5)

Post Date: March 27th, 2015

How did you enjoy researching this potential field you are considering as a career change?  Did it energize you?  Did you feel overwhelmed or fearful?  It can be interesting to identify the emotion you experience and see what’s prompting it.  Fear in particular can be complex.  Is it based on reality  or insecurities that can be overcome?  What would you need in order to reduce the fear?  More information, skills, knowledge?  What steps, if you chose to pursue this new field, could you take to get that missing ingredient?

On to the next step… What do you want to know?

Most people enjoy sharing information and their experiences. The key to informational interviewing is to be well prepared, prompt, and respectful of your source’s time.  Requesting 20 minutes for a phone or in-person conversation is usually accepted.  That said, 20 minutes only allows for you to ask 6-8 questions.  To maximize your time, I have a formula, but we’ll cover that later.

What specifically would you like to know from someone in the field?  Perhaps something regarding what you fear to see if it is your fear is well founded?  (Fears that often come up here are around money and the need for a degree from a prestigious college.)

To prime your thinking, here are a few suggestions to get started:

–          What is ‘a day in the life of’ really like?

–          Where can you learn more about this field?  ( associations, job boards, places to network)

–          How do you see the field changing over the next 10 years?

–          If you were starting out in the field today, what do you wish you knew?  What advice would you give?

This week, brainstorm on what you want to learn, then pare down your list to 6-10 key questions in order of priority.

Next week we’ll discuss how to schedule an information interview.

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne


© 2007-2019 Personal Journey Coaching

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Information Interviewing – What Career Do You Want To Consider? (Part 1/5)

Post Date: March 10th, 2015

Have you thought about changing careers, but not sure where to start?  Learning more about different fields can be both interesting in helping you learn more about how organizations work as a whole, and a great way to expand your network.

This month we’ll approach ‘information interviewing’ from the standpoint of you having an interest in potentially pursing this new field, interviewing someone who’s in your  field of interest to learn more about it and see whether it’s something you do or don’t want to continue to explore.

To begin the process, spend some time learning about the field.  Read magazines, books, professional newsletters, articles in the newspaper, surf the internet and so forth.  Having a baseline education of the field before you contact someone for their time, can help you to best leverage your time, connect with the person with whom you’re speaking and ask more informed questions.

Spend some time this week reading information that’s readily available.  In addition, find 3 people with whom you can talk who are already in this chosen profession.  If you don’t know anybody off hand, whose names are showing up in articles?  Can you find websites with their contact information? Are these friends of friends?  Are they in your social network (ie LinkedIn)?

Next week we’ll work on determining which questions you’d like to ask during the information interview.

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne


© 2007-2015 Personal Journey Coaching

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Four Books for Your Leadership Library

Post Date: December 9th, 2014

As an emerging leader, it can useful to find resources to expand your perspective, and learn tools and tips to help influence others and manage ourselves.  Below are a few recent books focusing on different areas, each important for an emerging leader to have a fulfilling life and successful career.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking– January 29, 2013 by Susan Cain

When in a meeting, does all of the chatter around the conference table have you wanting to stand up and scream “why won’t anyone listen to what anyone is saying?!” It may be that you are more introverted and the rest at the table are extroverts who often think as they speak. This is a great book for learning about, remembering and leveraging the strengths of an introvert when feeling misaligned with the stereotype extroverted leader.  We each bring strengths to the table, and this book helps the reader to recognize their strengths and leverage them as they build the skills for and embrace expanding leadership roles.


The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Program to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence, and Happiness – May 30, 2013 by Steve Peters 

This is an easy to read, engaging book to learn how our brain works, how our emotions and thoughts are triggered, and how to manage emotions.  After reading the book, it feels so much easier to not get ‘hooked’ or ‘triggered’, but rather to stay calm and objective. One mark of being a leader is being able to stay calm under pressure.   My hope is this book will help you learn how to feel calm and in control, even when others around you get angry or frantic, and also how you can help turn the situation around.


The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It – December 31, 2013 by Kelly McGonigal Ph.D.

We often overextend ourselves, don’t get enough sleep and don’t always eat healthfully or exercise as much as we’d like.  Does this sound familiar?  As a leader, you need not just the mental knowledge and skills to do your job, but also need to take care of your body which will enhance your mental sharpness and facilitate your emotional well being so you can stay calm and focused under pressure. Dr McGonigal uses a conversational writing style to explain how we can use nutrition, exercise, sleep and awareness to improve our willpower. You will be encouraged to do exercises at the end of each chapter to not just read the book, but take simple actions to implement concepts and healthy habits she shares that will enhance your productivity and wellbeing.


The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles – January 11, 2012 by Steven Pressfield 

Do you sometimes feel stuck and wish you could find creative ideas and solution?  While this book focuses mostly on an artist’s path, many lessons in creativity are transferable to up-and-coming leaders in the corporate setting.  This book helps to identify how we get in our own way and how to overcome this internal block to creativity. So often corporate life taps into the analytical “left brain”. This book shares the power of the creative “right brain”, which can ignite your passion for your work and ability to creatively approach and solve challenges.

In summary, each of the above 4 books, address a common road block for emerging leaders:

Quiet: embrace being introverted (if you are) and use this strength to your leadership advantage

The Chimp Paradox: how not to get ‘triggered’ into reaction mode, and stay calm when threat lurks

The Willpower Instinct: how to use simple habits to set yourself up for success, and give you the foundation to excel as you climb the corporate ladder.

War of Art: unleash your creativity to help you navigate obstacles and thrive in your career

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What will you do with your last 6 weeks (of 2013)?

Post Date: November 19th, 2013

Can you believe we only have 6 weeks left in the year?

The years seem to fly by faster and faster.  What did you intend to accomplish in 2013?  Are you on track with your 2013 personal goals?  Professional goals?

Is there a home project you wanted to get done this year – perhaps before the holidays?

What is still cluttering your desk, not quite finished?

What would, if completed, have you feeling fantastic?

Consider setting aside a small chunk of time, twice a day to kickstart working on a project.  Research has shown that this trick helps us to overcome procrastinating getting started.  Once we start, we often dive in and get a lot more done than we thought we would.

The great news is that we still have 6 weeks to wrap up those key projects that will give us a great sense of accomplishment and create the results we were seeking when we put them on our New Year’s resolution list!

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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Career and Intentions – Are You On Track?

Post Date: March 20th, 2013

Are you on track?

Here we are already mid-way through March and at the beginning of a new season.

What a great time to step back and have another look at our New Year’s intentions.  Are you on track with the career goals you set for yourself?  What might you tweak to create a system or structure to help achieve your next milestone?

I must confess, one of my personal goals that has not yet become a habit is yoga.  I had the intention at the beginning of the year to add at least one full session of yoga a week to round out my exercise regime.  While I do spend some time stretching every day, I still want to add yoga to build a stronger physical foundation with deeper stretching, strengthening and increasing balance.

So what to do?  There’s the saying ‘what isn’t on the calendar doesn’t get done’.  So here’s my plan: put yoga on my calendar.  Also, to put it on the calendar earlier in the week, so if an unavoidable conflict comes up, I still have time in the week to ensure I instill the habit.  (In fact, I just put it as a “recurring appointment” on my calendar at two different times during the week.)

Are you on track with your career and personal goals?

Where are you on trackspring flowers?  (Congratulations!)

What small shift can you make to get back on track with those which have slid under the radar?

Please post what shifts you will make, as they can give ideas and inspire others!  Thank you!

As always feel free to reach out if you’re feeling stuck.

Happy spring!

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Showing the Love this Valentine’s Day

Post Date: February 13th, 2013

Red Heart on Red Background

While we often don’t think about the work place on Valentine’s Day, it can be a great day to “Show The Love” as they say in sales.

Why not take a moment to appreciate your boss.  What do you most appreciate about him/her as it pertains to your career?  Do they have your back?  Let you take risks and expand your skill set?  Work on projects to give you visibility to new areas of your company?

How might you recognize your employees?  Perhaps they always have a good attitude which creates a pleasant work environment?  Are they “steady hands” which keep plugging a long, not doing anything particularly special but are so crucial to keeping things running smoothly?

And what about your peers?  Do they have a great sense of humor which makes it fun to come to work?  Share what’s going on in their areas of responsibility to “keep you in the know”?  Are nice lunch companions, helping you to decompress mid-day and able to come back refreshed and able to focus?

Consider sharing words of appreciation with those who surround you day-in and day-out, and see what happens!

If you take the challenge, please post what you experience.

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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Interview with Career Tips

Post Date: December 12th, 2012

I wanted to share with you an article written by Dan Kaus when he interviewed me last week.

Here’s a link to the article which includes a few tips when you’re writing your resume and preparing for an interview.

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Definition of Sales, and leadership?

Post Date: July 9th, 2012

Great definition of sales by Dan Sullivan (and perhaps leadership if it pertains also to the organization): “Selling is getting someone intellectually engaged in a future result that is good for them, and getting them to emotionally commit to take action to achieve that result.”

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Midpoint Check-in

Post Date: July 3rd, 2012

Here we are now just past the half way mark of 2012 – where did the time go?!
Now is a great time for a mid-year check-in.
Are you on track with your 2012 goals? New Year’s resolutions?

If so, congratulations and keep the momentum going!
If not, what skills will help you ramp up your job performance?

What two or three new habits would create a significant difference in your personal and professional results?

For example, clients often find the habit taking a few minutes first thing in the morning to identify the top 2-3 goals that would have the greatest ROI is time well invested. This habit creates focus and leads to a higher probability that you will achieve those goals.

Take a moment and review your goals: career, health, personal development, relationship, etc. What one action can make a nice shift during the second half of the year?

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For a limited time… self improvement gifts

Post Date: January 23rd, 2012

Just a quick note  – looking for some quick tools for helping you with your New Year’s resolutions?

Here’s a link to hundreds of resources!

Check it out at

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