Co-authored Finding Connection and Meaning in Your Work for 2012

Post Date: December 22nd, 2011

I was interviewed by Tony Deblauwe, Founder of HR4Change, and co-wrote an article with tips For Finding Connection and Meaning at Your Work. Find the full article at:

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Tips for Meaningfully Connecting During Holidays

Post Date: November 23rd, 2011

Can you believe we are already into the holiday season?  I have no idea where the year has gone! 

This time of year provides many opportunities for visiting with family and friends not often seen throughout the year.  To deepen those relationships, instead of talking about the 'weather', consider what open-ended questions you might ask to learn what is most important to them right now, as it may have changed since you last spoke. 

  What is catching their attention?  

  What are they looking forward to?  

  What are they proud of having accomplished during this past year? 

Consider sharing what you’re excited about whether it pertains to work, a hobby or with family.  What have you learned recently, and could share, that they may find intriguing or useful?  

Please share your tips for making meaningful connections! 


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am particularly thankful for the privilege of working with bright, thoughtful, forward moving clients. One of the great pleasures in my life is when a client has a breakthrough insight or accomplishment.  

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season filled with many meaningful moments. 

To your success, 

Gwyneth Anne

Gwyneth Anne Freedman, PCC  408.246.7427

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The Power of Curiosity

Post Date: September 9th, 2011


During the indecision in Congress, as the August 2nd date came up, and as the stock market took at roller coaster ride, I found myself getting caught up and feeling distressed.  I was frustrated and was feeling that Congress was focusing on ‘what’s in it for them’ rather than helping our country become stronger.  Then as the stock market started taking a roller coaster ride, I was getting fearful that we’d have yet a 3rd huge loss in a dozen years with our investments. 

I was also invited to speak at a human resources event.  I was embarrassed that I would be speaking on work/life balance and how to manage stress, when mine was peaking. 

So I stepped back to become more of an observer.  I thought ‘ok, what can I control / do?’ Well, I could write to Congress and see if I could influence them.  I could also look at our investments and long term strategy and decide if it would make sense to shift anything around.  I also decided that I could change my attitude. So after deciding on what I could control, I decided to think back to my college majors of psychology and sociology and chose to look at the whole fiasco as a sociological experiment, and to be inquisitive.  I wondered ‘how long will Congress take to make a decision? How close to the Aug 2nd date will they wait? How will the stock market react to the economic changes and perceptions around the world?… .’ 

What I found was that when I came from a place of curiosity, my fear evaporated!  I couldn’t be truly curious and fearful at the same time!  What a powerful insight!

As I wrote up my workshop on work-life balance, I included these thoughts.  So often my stress is about managing my energy and my attitude.  I had the participants identify their ‘tolerations’ and look for patterns and shifts that could help them address and/or eliminate them now and forever.  I asked them to become curious because curiosity allowed them to be more open and flexible in how they perceived their list and to find solutions they may not have previously considered.  I asked them to partner with a classmate and for them to be curious together as they reviewed each other’s lists identifying patterns of behavior and the shifts to empower themselves. 

As I also implemented this shift in myself I decreased my stress, increased my energy and came from a place of empowerment.  I invited you to experiment with this concept of coming from a place of curiosity, and please write and share your insights and experience!

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne Freedman 

© 2011 – 2014 Personal Journey Coaching All Rights Reserved

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Feeling stressed out?

Post Date: August 8th, 2011

Consider switching to being curious. 

I don’t know about you, but when congress was bickering and not coming to a timely resolution about the US budget, and in ensuing weeks of uncertainty that followed, I was feeling pretty stressed out.  Part of the stress was feeling out of control, part was not knowing how to best position personal finances, and then there was being annoyed by the whole stalemate. 

It didn’t take long to realize that this reaction wasn’t helpful.  After making financial decisions and doing all I could do where I did have control, I decided to come from a place of curiosity instead of distress.  I began to look on as an observer of a sociological experiment.  How would congress behave? What would their timing be for reaching a decision?  What would be the fallout?  While I can’t say that I’m pleased with how things have panned out so far to date, I can say that making this shift to being a curious observer did help my overall well being. 

Did you know that when we’re curious, we can’t also be annoyed, fearful, anxious, etc. in that same moment?  It’s like trying to laugh and be angry at the same time.  They emotions are incongruent.  When we’re curious, we’re open.  When we’re fearful we’re closed. 

Try it out for yourself.  And please share with me your experience…  I’m curious.  

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Get re-acquainted with your library

Post Date: June 17th, 2011

Have you been to the library in recent years? If not, you may be pleasantly surprised. Let me share a few of the benefits. 

A great selection of ebooks, audio downloads, & DVDs, besides books and audio books of course. (I often get business books.) Libraries are often connected so you can request books from other locations, and they'll have it delivered to your library branch – at not extra charge! 

Usually you can have a book out for 3 weeks, and if nobody else has requested it, you can go online and extend the time you have it checked out. 

DVDs usually have a 1 week limit.

When I find out about a good book, I 'save' it in my online library account.  Then when trying to figure out what to read, I can just 'request' the book (again online) and pick it up shortly thereafter. 

Then when the they come in or are due back, the library even emails a reminder. Plus no more stacks of books collecting all around the house!  It's great for turning the car into a 'classroom' by listening to business audiobooks on the way to work, which can also help to distract from the frustrations of sitting in traffic.

Libraries aren't just for kids – pick up a few for yourself, too!

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Habits – maximize their return!

Post Date: April 4th, 2011

Have you heard that we spend tons of time searching for stuff we can't find because we aren't well organized or have too much clutter?  Perhaps you even spend time every week or month de-cluttering your office, home or car. 

Spring – perfect time to declutter, both stuff and old habits that are no longer serving. 

This month I'd like to suggest you take a look at de-cluttering your habits.  What do I mean by that, you ask? Let me explain.

How often do you snack away at your desk or in front to the TV when you aren't even hungry, simply because 'that's what you do'?  Or eat out several nights a week, not because you particularly enjoy it, but because that's the routine you have established? 

I'd like to encourage you to think about (or for 'brownie points' write down) how you actually spend your time.  Are you deriving the entertainment, joy, or experience you are truly hoping to get from the activity?  For example with television, how do you feel during and after having spent an hour, two or three watching? Were you hoping to feel relaxed?  Energized?  Educated?  And are you? 

Or eating out, say it costs $50.  Are you getting $50 worth of pleasure?  Think about how long it takes to earn that money (and don't forget it's after-tax dollars you spend when paying the bill!).   Do you look forward to selecting the restaurant?  Carefully picking out your meal selection?  Savor each bite, and the luxury of having someone else do the cooking, serving and clean-up?  Feel nourished by food, environment and companionship of your tablemates? 

Consider likewise looking at your habits are work.  Do you check email first thing in the morning?  What would happen, and how would you feel if you spent the first hour on your biggest project instead?

If not, consider changing your habit(s) so that you do fully experience the benefits and pleasures of the choices you make.

Would love to hear what you discover!

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Post Date: February 14th, 2011

For me, Valetine's Day is about celebrating the meaningful connections we have with others in our lives.  This can be with family, friends, pets, colleagues and of course someone very special to us. 

Wishing you a day filled with awe of the wonderful people in your life.

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Happy New Year!

Post Date: January 25th, 2011

Just a quick note to wish you a happy New Year and pose the question:  What is the one shift, that will help you move forward to implementing one of your top goals for 2011? 

Need help?  You know where to find me!

Best wishes for a fantastic 2011.

Gwyneth Anne Freedman, PCC

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Gratitude – a personal share

Post Date: November 15th, 2010

A personal share…

With this being the month of Thanksgiving in the United States, and last month Canada celebrated, being thankful is top-of-mind. 

I'm grateful for my family, clients, friends, and colleagues:  I learn from each of you, and thrive on the meaningful connection that we have.

I'm thankful for my health, determination and compassion – which gives me the energy to enjoy and fully engage in life.

I have a difficult time properly expressing how much I appreciate the mentors and teachers who have helped be to expand beyond what I thought I could achieve and become.

Thank you!

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Cool video on motivation – fun to watch!

Post Date: September 28th, 2010

Have you ever wonder what really motivates you/us? 

Daniel Pink, author of the book Drive shares that there are three factors.  He has an amazing video about 11 minutes long on YouTube ( ) that is really fun to watch. 

His insights could be powerful to keep in mind as part of your leadership and management style.  Also if you're feeling less than satisfied at work, how might you focus more on mastery and contribution both inside and outside the work place? 

While so many things can feel outside of our control, we always have the ability to choose our attitude and where we want to focus our intention while doing required tasks.  Likewise we have many options for contributing and mastering additional skills outside of work.  A hobby of studying French would help you master the language.  Volunteering with Habitat For Humanity would help you contribute to your community and those less fortunate, as well as develop carpentry skills that might be useful for fixing your own home.  And making connections with likeminded people could foster new friends. 

Do share your thoughts of the video!

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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