Information Interviewing – Contacting Interviewees (Part 3/5)

Post Date: April 7th, 2015

Congratulations on identifying what you want to glean from the information interview and narrowing down your questions in order of priority to 6-10.  That can be tough to do!

This week I’ll share the formula for how to successfully contact the people we identified at the beginning of the month (or others we’ve identified since), to request an information interview.

First and foremost remember this is an *information* interview.  Unfortunately this type of interview has gotten a bad rap by those who pretend they are requesting an information interview, then try to turn it into a job interview.  While this can happen, please, let it be at the direction of the person you’re interviewing and not the other way around.

To request the information interview, simply call and tell your source that: 1. you are considering getting into their field; 2. are at the preliminary stage of researching it to see if would in fact be a good match for your skills and temperament; and 3. you would really appreciate schedule 20 or so minutes to talk with them either in person or via phone.  If they agree, set up a time right then and there.  Let them know that you’ll be sending them a confirming email, including your resume and the questions you’d like to ask.

Be clear that this is an information interview, and that the purpose of sending your resume is for them to understand your background: what might be your transferable strengths and what areas would they suggest you learn more about.

We all want to feel confident and prepared. By sending the questions in advance you help set them at ease and give them time to consider how they’d like to respond.

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne


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