Get re-acquainted with your library
Have you been to the library in recent years? If not, you may be pleasantly surprised. Let me share a few of the benefits.
A great selection of ebooks, audio downloads, & DVDs, besides books and audio books of course. (I often get business books.) Libraries are often connected so you can request books from other locations, and they'll have it delivered to your library branch – at not extra charge!
Usually you can have a book out for 3 weeks, and if nobody else has requested it, you can go online and extend the time you have it checked out.
DVDs usually have a 1 week limit.
When I find out about a good book, I 'save' it in my online library account. Then when trying to figure out what to read, I can just 'request' the book (again online) and pick it up shortly thereafter.
Then when the they come in or are due back, the library even emails a reminder. Plus no more stacks of books collecting all around the house! It's great for turning the car into a 'classroom' by listening to business audiobooks on the way to work, which can also help to distract from the frustrations of sitting in traffic.
Libraries aren't just for kids – pick up a few for yourself, too!
Tags: business, career, coaching, corporate
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Wonder what your corporate career might look like 5, 10, 15 years from now?
If you wonder what a corporate career might look like 10 years from now, pick up a copy of The 2020 Workplace for a glimpse of what may come to be. The book highlights a few valuable insights. For example, what are the motivating factors for each of 4 generations (babyboomers through those who haven't yet joined the workforce). What are their expectations? What skills will you need? How will you find work and get hired?
The two authors, Jeanne C. Meister and Karie Willyerd, do an outstanding job highlighting and summarizing key points in an easy to read manner. Biggest skillset you will be expected to know inside and out? Knowledge and use of technology. What will be most valued by companies? Besides being smart and capable in your field, having a wide and deep network/community.
Have you already read the book? Would love to have you share what you think!
Tags: 2020 workplace, career, coach, corporate, personal journey coaching, success, tips
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