Great book by Marshall Goldsmith: Mojo

Post Date: September 9th, 2010

Here we are in the ‘Back to School’ season with kids returning to their studies, and reorganizing our calendars and schedules.  It is often also a time for us to look forward and identify what we want to achieve this academic year now that the summer vacations are behind us.

So what are your goals?  Are you on track with what you had on your list January 1st?  Is it time to ramp things up?  Get additional support?  Or perhaps even take our goals up a notch?  If you’re not feeling inspired, perhaps your goals are too small.  What is the bigger impact you want to make?  What would have you feel completely inspired, energized and in fact so excited that you stop reading this email because you’re going to start taking action right now?

I just finished reading Marshall Goldsmith’s book “Mojo” and he talks about rating our activities based on different components as a way of revealing in a metric fashion if we’re full leveraging out time and energy.  You can get a sneak peak at ‘’. 

In the book he also talks about the power of having an accountability partner.  If you have someone to whom you have to ‘fess up to’ or ‘celebrate with’, that alone will significantly increase your probability of taking the actions that you really want to take, rather than letting the inertia of the current status quo keep its grip. 

What are the components of your work and personal life that give you both short term happiness and long term satisfaction?  How can you increase the portion of your day doing these activities?

What elements don’t give you either?  How can you reduce the time you spend here?

If you are interested in joining an ‘accountability group’, please email me with ‘accountability group’ in the subject line.  If you prefer personalized one-on-one support, please put ‘complementary consultation’ in the subject line. My email is



To your success,
Gwyneth Anne
Gwyneth Anne Freedman, PCC
Certified Career and Life Coach

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Success Tips for second half of year

Post Date: July 1st, 2010


Here we are already at the end of the second quarter, which is a great time to step back and reflect on the past 6 months, and put some thought into what you’d like to accomplish during the second half of the year. 

Areas to consider are:

·         Your professional goals.  Are you are target with what you will be benchmarked against during your performance review?  What can you do to deserve an ‘exceeds’ or ‘far exceeds expectations’?


·         What additional structures could bring you closer to your longer term goals?  For example having lunch with someone whom you admire in your work place?  A former colleague with whom you’d like to stay in touch?  Attend one professional event a month/quarter to expand your network?


·         Skills.  What one or two additional skills would increase your marketability (including inside your current company)?  How can you best learn this skill?  For example from observing a mentor?  Building your leadership skills through volunteering?  Subscribing to a trade magazine?  Reading books on the subject?  Taking classes?

What will make you feel really great/proud/successful when you wrap up 2010? 

Now that you have that goal/intention, what strategy(ies) will get you there?  What are the steps to each strategy, that when written out will make it easy to follow through?

Mid-year is a great time to draw a line in the sand and not beat yourself up for what you haven’t yet accomplished, rather to reignite your passion and focus on what will bring you the greatest results and personal fulfillment.

To increase the probability of achieving these goals, make a promise to someone that you will achieve them, and identify what you will sacrifice if you don’t.  These two steps can work wonders for keeping you motivated!  

Which 1-2 strategies will make the difference for you? Are you willing to invest in your future and implement them?  Feel free to reach out if coaching would be the impetus to shift from considering the concept to implementation.

Would love to hear if you’d like to share.

To your success,

Gwyneth Anne

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